Space Launch Again Proves to be Hard

A Taurus rocket lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base this morning, but it failed to put NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory into orbit. Launch personnel indicated that the payload fairing did not separate properly.

Here’s the Spaceflight Now “Mission Status Center.”

Launch vehicles are incredibly complicated machines, with thousands if not millions of things that could go wrong in construction, preparation, and launch. I consider it a minor miracle every time one of them does what it’s supposed to do.

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What Space Means to You, That You Might Not Know

Twenty years ago today — February 14, 1989 — a Global Positioning System (GPS) Block-IIR satellite launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. That might not seem like a big deal, since there have been so many GPS satellites launched and so many are operational — but it gives us a chance to point out how vital GPS is to your life, in ways you might not even know.

(GPS IIRM artist’s conception, linked from the Lockheed Martin web site)

Sure, you know about GPS receivers that, combined with mapping software, can tell you where you are and guide you to your destination. Maybe you have a GPS receiver in your car, or even in your cell phone. But did you realize the GPS signal provides more than just position information? That even if you don’t use GPS navigation in your daily life, you probably depend on the system anyway?

One of the most important aspects of the GPS signal is precise timing. Remember the Chicago song “Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?” The National Institute of Standards and Technology does know what time it is, and measures that time very precisely. But it wouldn’t do any good for one office to know the precise time, so the timing signal has to be sent out everywhere to keep everything in synch. That’s one of the GPS system’s roles, to distribute that precise timing signal that allows our networked world to keep communicating. If I remember correctly, the 2nd Space Operations Squadron actually maintains the backup timing standard for the whole country, just so they can keep the GPS system clock accurate.

Imagine you’re at your favorite restaurant and have just enjoyed a fantastic meal — it is Valentine’s Day, after all — and you pay with your credit card. The little computer in the credit card machine has to communicate with the computers in the bank or credit card company in order to process your transaction. The problem is, computer signals are time-tagged and if the computers don’t agree on what time it is, they can’t understand each other. But because they have a timing standard, those computers can communicate reliably and your transaction can go through. (As long as you have money in the bank, of course.)

Think of the common things people do every day using networked computers: making credit card transactions, placing phone calls over computerized switches, looking at blogs and websites on the Net. All of those things depend on timing signals between the computers, and what keeps those signals consistent around the world is the GPS satellite constellation.

GPS: it’s not just for navigation.

So if you didn’t know, that’s what space means to you in your everyday life.

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Space History Today, Space Collision Yesterday

Thirty-five years ago today – February 11, 1974 – the first Titan/Centaur vehicle was launched. Titan-Centaur Proof Flight [Titan IIIE-Centaur D] or TC-1 “lifted off from Complex 41 at Cape Kennedy Air Force Station at 9:48 AM EDT,” according to this NASA page.


Yesterday an Iridium commercial communications satellite collided with COSMOS-2251, a Russian communications relay satellite that was believed to be inoperative. The story is at this Spacefight Now page, and my Space Warfare Forum post on the subject is here.

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First Titan Launch, Fifty Years Ago Today

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the first successful flight of a Titan missile — in this case, a Titan-I — from Cape Canaveral. From there the variants of the Titan family took shape, including:

  • The Titan-34D, the test firing of which I was involved in at Edwards AFB
  • The Titan-IV … I have a piece of one on the desk in my office
  • The Titan-IVB, for which I helped get some of the support and maintenance facilities built

The Titan was a vital part of the U.S. launch fleet for many years, and I’m proud to have been a (small) part of the program.

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50 Years Ago in Space History — Plus Two

Fifty years ago today — February 5, 1959 — NASA formed a working group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to lay the groundwork for what would become the Apollo lunar exploration program. I find that interesting, since it pre-dates President Kennedy’s challenge to achieve a moon mission by the end of the 60s.

Two additional tidbits today:

First, I feel really bad for missing another big space anniversary. Fifteen years ago Tuesday (February 3, 1994), Space Shuttle Discovery launched from the Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-60. This was the SPACEHAB-02 and Wake Shield Facility-1 mission, and included astronauts Charles F. Bolden, Kenneth S. Reightler, Jr., N. Jan Davis, Ronald M. Sega, Franklin R. Chang-Diaz, and first Russian cosmonaut to fly aboard the Space Shuttle, Sergei K. Krikalev.

Why do I feel particularly bad about missing this one? Because I wrote speeches for Ron Sega as my last assignment in the Air Force, when he was the Under Secretary, and he presided over my retirement ceremony:

(Click for larger image)

And finally: it takes a long time to print out nearly 600 manuscript pages. I’ve got several copies of the MS about ready to mail out to early readers, but I got those done at the copy shop. I’m printing out another one here at home, and it’s taking a lot longer than I expected. And the printer has started making funny noises …

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A Day Late and a Dollar Short …

… as my dad says.

Yesterday, in my zeal to comment on the Iranian satellite launch — which all too few people seem to recognize as a danger — I missed a space anniversary.*

On February 3, 1984, the Space Shuttle Challenger launched from the Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-41B. Astronauts Vance D. Brand, Robert L. Gibson, Bruce McCandless, Ronald E. McNair, and Robert L. Stewart deployed two satellites, Westar-VI and Palapa-B2, but they did not reach orbit because the Payload Assist Module failed. This mission also tested the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), and featured the first untethered space walks by McCandless and Stewart. NASA photograph S84-27562 captured one of the MMU tests and became an iconic photograph of the space age:

(Click for larger image)

You can read more about the STS-41B mission on this NASA page.

*Okay, I also missed it because I spent the evening at choir practice and on the phone. You caught me.

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Iranian Satellite = Decent Rockets = Serviceable Missiles

Cross-posted and expanded from the Space Warfare Forum: The top item on Spaceflight Now this morning was a single paragraph about Iran launching a satellite. I expect they’ll expand that as they get more information.

The Reuters story about the launch quotes the Iranian foreign minister saying the satellite was for “purely peaceful purposes,” but what else are they going to say? You think they’re going to say, openly, “Yes, we want to use our new satellite to look at the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea and imagine what it will be like once we have destroyed the nation of Israel”?

Of course they say it’s for peaceful purposes.

Kudos to Reuters for pointing out that “The long-range ballistic technology used to put satellites into orbit can also be used for launching weapons,” even though “Iran says it has no plans to do so.” Again, what else are they going to say? I just hope our government — and by that, I mean the upper echelons, outside the military — keep their eyes open as they consider the possibilities.

Finally, an invitation: If you or anyone you know is interested in space policy, space strategy, etc., you’re welcome to join the Space Warfare Forum.

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