The GrayMan Writes About Taxes: Corporate Returns and Reports

If you haven’t read The Cheating Culture by David Callahan, I recommend it. It’s disturbing, and I don’t think I absorbed all of its implications, but it’s an important book. I bring it up because it catalogued many examples of corporate cheating — cheating their customers, cheating their stockholders, and cheating the government.

Let me say first of all that I believe the U.S. corporate tax rate is too high, and acts as an incentive for companies to move out of the U.S. to friendlier places. Unfortunately, I don’t see any signs of it coming down under the current Administration and current Congress, because the loudest voices in the public sector seem to cry out in favor of punishing private sector success instead of making more success possible. I fear for the long-term effects.

That said, I don’t believe elevated tax rates justify the kinds of corporate cheating that Callahan wrote about. And one of the potential cheating tactics that seems possible to confront is the practice of reporting earnings on tax returns that differ from earnings reported in annual reports to stockholders.

Until the recent economic and financial turmoil, many companies posted profits every quarter even if it took some creative accounting to record those profits. Some of those companies got caught cooking the books, but usually not until they had collapsed or were close to collapse. They got into this habit in order to satisfy public perception and stockholders’ expectations, because no one wanted to mention the Emperor’s nakedness in terms of how unrealistic those expectations were. I understand that some of those companies that reported near-constant growth and profits in their annual reports, however, somehow produced lower earnings or even losses when it came to filing their taxes.

It doesn’t seem right for companies to tell their stockholders something different than they tell the government, especially if they’re telling their stockholders they made a profit in order to boost their share price, and then telling the government they took a loss in order to avoid paying taxes. Some might argue that this practice is only the difference between preliminary and final numbers, i.e., that it’s just a matter of “corrections” — I understand about honest mistakes, but it seems to me that either their accounting is good at the time it’s done, or it’s not good at all. If there are questions, resolve them before you issue the report with your name on it.

How can this influence tax policy? Let companies file their annual report as their tax return. Or, if that puts too much onus on the IRS to figure out any tax liability, let them submit the annual report along with their tax documents and show that the two match. If they don’t agree, or they differ more than some small allowance, assess a penalty based on the difference. (This would be irrespective of the company’s actual performance, and only related to what the company reported.)

In other words, split the difference between the return and the report, since we apparently can’t have complete faith in either one.


For those who are interested, The Cheating Culture has its own website at

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The GrayMan Writes About Taxes: Political Action Tax?

Quick question: Have lobbyists improved the political situation in Washington? Have they achieved consistency in policy-making, and clarity in directing governmental affairs? Or have they, taken all together, produced a confused mess of infighting and backbiting and self-serving that has helped to drag our political discourse off any true course?

If you think lobbyists — even those with whom you disagree — do more good than harm, then you won’t like this proposal.

I think most forthright observers on either side of the political aisle would admit that the numbers and types of lobbyists and political action groups have polarized more than they have unified our nation, especially since every group that starts to lobby for their interests seems to spawn another group to lobby for the opposite interest. They attract attention and money, which they dole out to their political advantage — even taking part in writing legislation that directly affects their interests — because that’s what they’re designed to do.

So, then, I propose requiring lobbyists to pay more up-front for the privilege of lobbying.

I propose that all lobbyists — whether individuals or organizations, whether for-profit or non-, whether affiliated with a political party or completely independent — should have to match every dollar given to every candidate or cause, whether directly through donation or indirectly through advertising or other action, with a dollar given to the general fund of the U.S. Treasury. Very simple: do an audit, find out what was spent on lobbying, and cut a check directly to the government for the same amount.

Of course the counter-argument would be that such a tax would inhibit free speech, but what lobbyists have right now is not free speech: it’s privileged speech, with steady access to power-brokers and audiences that most citizens don’t have. The question is whether that ready access is worth paying a premium. I suspect it would be, just as I suspect that, if anyone took this proposal seriously and tried to enact it, the lobbyists would rise up in one accord against it — because the only thing that would unite them would be a threat to their well-built structures of power and influence.

Oh, that government of the lobbyists, by the lobbyists, and for the lobbyists would indeed perish from this earth.


Another plug for the “Raleigh Tax Day Tea Party,” which will be held on Wednesday, April 15th (of course), from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the North Carolina State Capitol. This event is one of many national grassroots “Tea Parties” in cities across the country. The Tea Parties began as a means to focus attention on the so-called stimulus plan — which has not, will not, and probably can not stimulate the economy as much as its proponents promised, but has burdened us and will burden our descendents with even more unreasonable amounts of national debt.

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The GrayMan Writes About Taxes: Encouraging Saving

I always thought it was odd that I had to record interest I was paid on money in my savings account as income.

Okay, sure, it’s “income” in that it’s money coming into my hands, but the more I have in the bank for the bank to use to create more money (through the magic of fractional reserve banking, which we’ll cover another day), the better for society as a whole, right? And then as banking fees became more prevalent — because they weren’t making enough money off of the money people already had on deposit — it seemed even more ridiculous to pay the government for the privilege of having a savings account. I guess a case might be made that we’re paying for the deposit insurance, but I’m skeptical.

Contrast the fact that interest received is taxable “income” with the standard advice that everyone should have six months’ income in savings for use in emergencies. It’s free money for the government, so to speak, but hardly an incentive to maintain a “rainy day” fund.

So I propose that there be no tax at all on interest earned on savings accounts if the total amount in savings is equal to or less than 50% of adjusted gross income. In other words, your rainy day savings remain tax free if they include up to a half-year’s pay — and if you start earning more, then you can save proportionally more.

The same principle could be applied to corporations, with respect to their cash reserves — the idea being that people and corporations should be able to maintain, without penalty, reserves against fluctuations in financial markets. Imagine how the current economic situation would be different if businesses, when short-term credit became harder to obtain, could have fallen back on cash reserves to keep paying employees and placing orders.

Would more people store up emergency funds if the interest was non-taxable? I don’t know. In our consumer-driven economy, maybe not. But at least they wouldn’t be penalized for having a little bit of savings.


As we wrote yesterday, the “Raleigh Tax Day Tea Party” will be held on Wednesday, April 15th (of course), from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the North Carolina State Capitol. It’s part of the national grassroots “Tea Parties” movement, consisting of events in cities across the country to voice opposition to the stimulus package, which will stimulate less than its proponents think and saddle our citizens and our descendents with even more unreasonable amounts of debt.

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The GrayMan Writes About Taxes: Investment Vs. Speculation

With respect to capital gains from sales of stock and other assets, Form 1040 Schedule D instructs us to divide them into short-term and long-term gains, with long-term referring to investments held for one year or more. But is a year really “long term”? Thinking of a single year as long term is part of the problem we have with rewarding speculation over investment.

It was, after all, speculation in derivatives and risky mortgages that contributed to the housing bubble and its subsequent burst. (Call it “investment” if you like, but I disagree: investment connotes long-term, and the way these strange instruments were traded and manipulated and traded again never sounded like a long-term strategy.) The speculation filtered down to home buyers, many of whom did not buy a home in which they planned to live for years but instead bought one which they hoped to sell quickly as soon as rising home prices inflated their equity. Many people made a lot of money this way;* unfortunately, many more seem to have lost much more.

How do we encourage investment — real long-term investment — instead of speculation?

I propose that we structure the capital gains portion of the tax code to reward investment. Simply, the longer you hold a stock, shares of a mutual fund, or other investment vehicle, the less tax you would have to pay on any capital gains from the sale. The “investment tax” would be a “regressive” tax in which the actual tax rate would fall with the passage of time, down to whatever is considered a nominal rate.

The main benefit I see from this would be more stability in the stock market and more investment capital available for use as the basis of creating more wealth. The opportunity for speculation and making a quick killing on a stock deal would still exist, but the cost would be higher than if the stock were held longer. The different rates, the appropriate time scale, and the final nominal rate would all be determined based on what is expected to contribute most to economic stability and sound currency.

The same inversely-proportional tax rate could apply to dividends paid by the investment vehicle, with the exception that dividends automatically reinvested should not be taxed; only dividends paid when part of the investment is redeemed. (The key here is “automatically” — no cheating by taking the dividend and then investing it in something else.)

As an added bonus, we could allow for the ultimate “grandfather” clause by stipulating that investors over 70 years of age would not be taxed at all on dividends or capital gains received.

I suspect this idea would affect the venture capital business as well, but the tax level on short-term gains should still be reasonable enough to encourage investing in start-ups and expanding businesses. The idea is not to eliminate short-term investment or even speculation, but to encourage more long-term investment.


While we’re on the subject of taxes, we’re a month away from the “Raleigh Tax Day Tea Party.” It’s part of the grassroots “Tea Parties” held in cities across the country against the stimulus package, which will stimulate less than its proponents think and saddle our citizens and our descendents with even more unreasonable amounts of debt.

Here’s a little about the national movement. The Raleigh event will be Wednesday, April 15th (of course), from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the North Carolina State Capitol.

*Sour grapes alert: We had the chance to do just that, and did not take it. Who knew we were going to be stationed in Northern Virginia for five years, when we expected to be there for two? Timing, as they say, is everything.

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Introducing: The GrayMan Writes About Taxes

The next few days look pretty light in terms of major space anniversaries,* so it’s as good a time as any to run through a series of blog posts on taxes. Not on how to do your taxes (I use TurboTax, just like our Treasury Secretary … make what you will of that), but on a few tax ideas I’ve had rattling around in my head. I want to get them out of my head, because I need to make room for some other things up there.

I’ve written about taxes in the past, and thought a lot about them during last year’s Presidential campaign; maybe I should’ve logged all these things in my scribblings on the Anti-Campaign. Instead, I wrote an essay on one of the ideas and I’ve been shopping around that essay for months. At the moment, it’s submitted to Reason magazine (even though they would probably prefer my essay on The Ornery American web site, “Taxes, Direct Deposit, and Choice”).

The essay that Reason is considering — at least, I hope they’re actually considering it — has to do with the U.S. corporate tax rate. Many people know that our 35% corporate tax rate is one of the highest in the world, meaning that companies can do better financially if they either move to places with lower tax rates or find creative loopholes that reduce their tax liabilities. At the same time, corporations are under scrutiny for how much they pay their top executives. My essay proposed making the corporate tax rate variable according to the “pay gap” between the highest- and lowest-paid company employees: i.e., companies could self-select a lower tax rate if they reduce the gap in employee pay.

So, while I’m waiting to hear from Reason, I thought I’d toss out some of the other ideas I’ve had about taxes and tax policy. Starting tomorrow, over the next few days I’ll present ideas about encouraging investment, rewarding instead of punishing savings, reducing the tax burden on new businesses, and a few other ideas. Hope you enjoy it!

*Considering our trend of focusing on anniversaries in 5-year increments.

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Space History — Shuttle Launches With TDRS

Twenty years ago today — March 13, 1989 — Space Shuttle Discovery launched from KSC on mission STS-29. Astronauts Michael L. Coats, John E. Blaha, James P. Bagian, James F. Buchli, and Robert C. Springer launched the TDRS-4 satellite to complete the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite constellation. The crew landed at Edwards Air Force Base, California on March 18th.

Unfortunately, I can’t remember if that was one of the landings I watched. I know it wasn’t one of the landings I worked as part of the AFFTC recovery crew; somewhere I have the mission emblems from those four landings, framed together, and the STS-29 mission emblem isn’t among them.*

And finally, if you’re interested, here’s a little bit about TDRS.
*I should take that memento to my office and hang it up, but that would require finding it first.

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Twitter, Taxes, and Reference to A Dissenting Voice

Speaking of Twitter, you can “follow me”
(“Follow Me” jeep from WW2.* Click to enlarge.)

Yesterday on Twitter, I floated the idea of doing a series of blog entries on the various tax proposals I’ve jotted down in the last few months. No one came forward to tell me how terrible that idea was, so I think I will start the series either this week or next. First I have to decide if it will be daily for a week, or spread out more until Tax Day. Hmmm.

Meanwhile . . .

I have some terrific friends who support and encourage me and who challenge my thinking on a variety of subjects — as “iron sharpens iron,” say the Scriptures. Today I refer you to James Maxey, author of the wonderful superhero novel Nobody Gets the Girl and a trilogy of “dragon age” novels the first two of which — Bitterwood and Dragonforge — were brilliant and make me wish the third one was finished so I could read it.

But James also presents very interesting political arguments that are worth considering and debating, on his Jawbone of an Ass blog. In his latest entry, he compares the “stimulus” package enacted by our Federal government to irresponsible personal spending:

If I add up the credit limits on all my credit cards, I can borrow roughly $70,000 dollars. I could run out tomorrow and spend it all, maybe on a hurricane tour of Vegas. I would certainly feel very rich for a short while. A lot of businesses would feel the benefit of me throwing money around like the sy is the limit. My neighbors might look at me with envy as I pull into the driveway with a new car. I’d be high on the hog–until I had to start paying it back.

I’d probably be okay for a little while. The payments on all this would be pretty high, but I still have my job and some money in savings, so I could meet the payments for a month or two. After I pay down the debt for a couple of months, I could borrow money from the credit I’m opening up in my credit cards and make payments for another month or two.

Still, anyone with a lick of common sense is going to be able to look at my monthly income and compare to my monthly payments and come to the grim conclusion that I don’t stand a chance in the long run. Bankruptcy looms; my only hope is to sell the car I bought, sell all my assets, work multiple jobs, and live on Raman noodles and tap water.

Here’s the direct link.

I don’t agree with all of his proposals, but his underlying premise is sound: we, as a nation, will not long survive if we continue to spend more than we earn. So I commend him to you and encourage you to see what he has to say.

*Image posted by “swissmustangs” on

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50 Years Ago in Space History

Fifty years ago today — March 10, 1959 — NASA flew the X-15 research plane on its first “captive” flight attached to their B-52 test aircraft.

(NASA Image E-4935. Click to enlarge. For more images, see NASA’s X-15 photo collection.)

The X-15 program eventually carried pilots to the edge of space from Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, California.

And in the category of personal nostalgia, I have a picture of that same B-52 aircraft on my office wall, courtesy of my boss at the Rocket Lab at Edwards. In my picture, it doesn’t have an X-15 attached to the pylon: it’s carrying the Pegasus space launch vehicle, for which I served on the Flight Readiness Review panel. (Which was still pretty cool for a starry-eyed young lieutenant.)

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Living Up to My Own Essay

A couple of years ago I wrote an essay entitled, “Ignore the Tour Guides, If You Can,” in which I decried the tendency among some worship leaders, praise bands, etc., to distract the congregation’s attention from God instead of helping them focus their attention on God.

Then, in a supreme bit of irony, in January of this year I took over as the worship leader in our church (North Cary Baptist Church, if you’re interested). Which means now I have to remind myself of my own words:

How does a praise band, formed to lead the congregation in worship, become the center of attention? How do singers become vocalists vying for the congregation’s attention instead of leaders helping the congregation to sing the songs? It is, I believe, a natural human tendency to want to be recognized and appreciated for whatever form of expertise we have. And we may convince ourselves, if we believe our talents to be gifts of God, that the applause after a song is somehow directed at God rather than at us. But the human ego still appreciates it, and so the temptation to grandstand is very strong . . . .

For the worship leader, and especially the very talented worship leader, there is a distinction between relaxing into their own worship experience . . . and remaining conscious of the duty they accepted to lead the worshippers in the group setting. Too far in one direction and the other suffers, but the proper choice would seem to be always in favor of the congregation rather than the worship leader or worship team.

The only thing in my favor at this point is that my under-developed musical talent — I rarely even pick up a guitar any more, and my callouses are almost gone — means that I feel singularly unqualified to be in this position. As a result, I try to make myself invisible even in front of the congregation.

And maybe that’s as it should be.


P.S. That essay is still available, if you know of a venue that might be interested. (Although I’m thinking about just posting it on my web site and being done with it.)

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Space History Today: Shuttle Delivery

Thirty years ago today — March 8, 1979 — the Space Shuttle Columbia was delivered to NASA from the factory in Palmdale, California.

And 15 years ago today, it was in orbit. Columbia launched on March 4, 1994 from the Kennedy Space Center on mission STS-62, carrying astronauts John H. Casper, Andrew M. Allen, Pierre J. Thuot, Charles D. Gemar, and Marsha S. Ivins. They spent almost two weeks in space, landing back at KSC on March 18th.

And now you know.

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