Cross-Post on Condescension Toward Manufacturers

Yesterday I wrote a long post on the NC State of Business blog about what I perceive as condescension toward companies and workers who make things for a living. Rather than reproduce the whole thing, here’s the conclusion:

Manufacturing is vital not just to a healthy economy but to everyone, because it provides many (if not most) of the things that make modern life possible and enjoyable. It’s unfortunate that manufacturers don’t get more respect for what they do, regardless of where they make their products.

If you want to read the whole thing, here’s the link: Disrespect and Condescension: Can North Carolina Manufacturers Expect Anything Else?

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Satellite Radio Adds Roll to its Rock

Ten years ago today — May 8, 2001 — the Sea Launch team launched the XM-1 or “Roll” satellite from the Odyssey launch platform.

(XM-1 “Roll” launch from the Sea Launch platform. Image from

In our “Satellite Radio in Space History” item, we noted the launch of XM-2, or “Rock” — so with this launch XM Radio officially had its Rock and Roll.

My time on the Pacific with Sea Launch came in the summer of 2002, and it’s still one of the coolest temporary duty assignments I ever had.

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Freedom-7 — A Half-Century of U.S. Spaceflight

Fifty years ago today — May 5, 1961 — Alan B. Shepard, Jr., became the first U.S. astronaut launched into space.

(Freedom-7 launch. NASA image.)

Shepard had named his capsule Freedom-7, though the flight was also known as Mercury Redstone-3.* The mission had several objectives:

(1) familiarize man with a brief but complete space flight experience, including the lift-off, powered flight, weightless flight (approximately 5 minutes), re-entry, and landing phases of the flight;
(2) evaluate man’s ability to perform as a functional unit during space flight by demonstrating manual control of spacecraft attitude before, during, and after retrofire and by use of voice communications during flight;
(3) study man’s physiological reactions during space flight; and,
(4) recover the astronaut and spacecraft.

Shepard’s launch from the Eastern Space & Missile Center was only 23 days after Yuri Gagarin had become the first human in orbit. Shepard’s flight was suborbital, however, so the honor of being the first U.S. astronaut in orbit would eventually go to John Glenn.

*Speaking of Redstone rockets, why not pop over to Redstone Science Fiction and see what they have to offer? They recently posted their twelfth issue!

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A Space Platform for Laser Ranging

Thirty-five years ago today — May 4, 1976 — the LAGEOS-1 satellite launched on a Delta rocket from Vandenberg AFB.

(LAGEOS. NASA image.)

The Laser Geodynamics Satellite (LAGEOS) (also known as the Laser Geodetic Satellite) “was the first spacecraft dedicated exclusively to high-precision laser ranging and provided the first opportunity to acquire laser-ranging data that were not degraded by errors originating in the target satellite.”

The spacecraft itself was simple: a sphere covered with 426 “cube corner reflectors” or retroreflectors which return light directly to its source no matter the incident angle. According to this page, LAGEOS-1 also carried a small plaque designed by Carl Sagan:

The plaque is 4 inches by 7 inches (10 cm by 18 cm) stainless steel plate. The spacecraft carries two identical copies included in its interior. In its upper center it displays the simplest counting scheme, binary arithmetic. The numbers one to ten in binary notation are shown. At upper right is a schematic drawing of the Earth in orbit around the Sun, and an arrow indicating direction of motion. The arrowhead points to the right, the convention adopted for indicating the future. All arrows accompanying numbers are “arrows of time”. Under the Earth’s orbit is the binary number one, denoting the period of time used on the plaque — one revolution of the Earth, or one year. The remainder of the LAGEOS plaque consists of three maps of the Earth’s surface. The first map denotes the Earth 268 million years in the past. All the continents are shown together in one mass. The close fit of South America into West Africa was one of the first hints that continental drift actually occurs. The middle map represents the zero point in time for the other two maps. It displays the present configuration of the planets. The final map shows the Earth’s surface 8.4 million years from now — very roughly the estimated lifetime of the LAGEOS. Many important changes in the Earth’s surface are shown, including the drift of California out into the Pacific Ocean. Whoever comes upon the LAGEOS plaque needs only compare a current map of the Earth’s geography with that in the lower two maps to calculate roughly the difference between his time and ours.

Put it on your calendar: let’s meet up with LAGEOS-1 8 million years from now and see how accurate Sagan’s continental drift picture is.

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Reminders: My Friends' Books

As a follow-up to the “blog tour” posts I’ve been doing, featuring fellow members of the Codex Writers online community, some updates and reminders ….

Bradley Beaulieu’s The Winds of Khalakovo was recently released and has received a lot of positive attention. Bradley did a two-part interview for the blog tour: Part One, and Part Two

Last month, Colin Harvey signed copies of Damage Time at Eastercon. We discussed his book in this interview.

And last week, Leah Cypess’s Mistwood was released in paperback. My interview with Leah is at this link.

I don’t have any news about my own writing, except to say that I’ve recently set aside the short story I was working on and have been revising one of my nonfiction books, tentatively titled The Elements of War. Speaking of war, I am still processing the recent news about the death of the would-be Caliph … I may collect some thoughts here in the next few days.

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Military Shuttle Mission, Space Tourist, and Two Satellites Join the 'A-Train'

First things first, the military mission: 20 years ago today — April 28, 1991 — the Space Shuttle Discovery launched on a dedicated DoD mission.

(Auroral image taken during the STS-39 mission. NASA image.)

The STS-39 crew — Michael L. Coats, L. Blaine Hammond, Guion S. Bluford, Gregory S. Harbaugh, Richard J. Hieb, Donald R. McMonagle, and Charles Lacy Veach — completed a combination of classified and unclassified mission objectives during their week in space.

On this same date a decade later — April 28, 2001 — the first “space tourist,” U.S. businessman Dennis Tito, rode aboard the Soyuz-TM-32 mission with cosmonauts Talgat A. Musabayev and Yuri M. Baturin. Their mission launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome and docked with the International Space Station. I love the description of Tito in the linked write-up as “not a professional astronaut.”

And just 5 years ago today, the CloudSat and CALIPSO* meteorological satellites launched from Vandenberg AFB on a Delta-II rocket. They launched into the same orbit as the Aqua, PARASOL, and Aura satellites to join the A-Train of observational craft that pass overhead one right after the other.

*CALIPSO = Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation, a U.S. and French collaborative spacecraft

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The Mystery of Faith

One of my favorite parts of the liturgy — which I don’t recite very often, since we go to a Baptist Church — is the Mystery of Faith:

Christ has died.
Christ is risen.
Christ will come again.

On Easter Sunday especially, the Mystery of Faith resonates with me. I think it’s aptly named, i.e., that the basis of our faith is ultimately mysterious and beyond human comprehension. To the worldly wise it is a foolish thing that confounds them; to those of us who are not so wise it can be a confusing thing, difficult to understand and harder to put into practice.

I don’t understand it — neither the mechanisms of the miracles nor the depths of such sacrificial love — and because I don’t understand it, of all the disciples I relate most to Peter the denier and Thomas the doubter.

To me it is, and probably always will be, a mystery.

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Another installment in our discontinuous series of “blog tour” posts featuring fellow members of the Codex Writers online community.

Our guest again today is Lawrence M. Schoen, author of Buffalito Contingency, coming soon from Hadley Rille Books. Buffalito Contingency continues the adventures of interstellar hypnotist The Amazing Conroy:

The Amazing Conroy has taken his hypnosis act beyond Human Space.

It should be show business as usual, except for the bigger-than-a-planet energy being that wants to study him, the rival aliens pulling him in opposite directions, his buffalito lapping up liquid gravity, and the small matter of a hypnotized ghost… Join the continuing adventures of the Amazing Conroy in Hugo-nominated Lawrence M. Schoen’s new novel: Buffalito Contingency.

(Buffalito Contingency cover art.)

You can read Part One of this interview here.

In yesterday’s post you mentioned dealing with Bell’s Palsy while you were working on the book, but did you encounter any other major obstacles while working on Buffalito Contingency?

My biggest obstacle is always getting out of my own way. I get so excited wanting to tell the story I have in mind that I neglect to follow the requirements of good storytelling. Taos Toolbox went a long way to reminding me about that, as well as giving me some critical tools to keep me on track. Probably the most fundamental of these is remembering to always look for the narrative engine in a story. What’s driving everything? This may or may not be the same thing as the protagonist’s motivation. It may or may not be what your plot’s all about. But you have to be clear on what it is, otherwise your characters are just going to wander aimlessly. Motivation is a good thing to have. Plots and conflicts are essential. But the narrative engine pulls it all together. It’s what the book’s all about. Focusing on that, finding the answer to that question, pulls me out of the woods.

What was the biggest surprise you got out of working on Buffalito Contingency? Is there anything in particular you hope your readers get out of the book?

My biggest surprise was how much better this book was than the first one. And I was really really happy with the first one. My publisher had a similar reaction. We were on the phone and he said, “Lawrence, you know I loved the first novel, so don’t get me wrong, but this one is so much better.” I didn’t take any offense. It was all true. Either book is an enjoyable experience for a reader, but when you go from one to the other you can see how much I’ve changed (dare I use the word “grown”?) as a writer.

What I hope readers get out of this second novel is a return to that old fashioned “sense o’ wonder” that I remember from the books I read when I was a teenager. That’s what I’m always trying for. I think the formula for that is a mix of adventure, fun, cool aliens and alien cultures, and a satisfying resolution to the story. I want people to read my work and have a smile on their faces when they finish.

As someone who very much enjoyed Buffalito Destiny, I look forward to verifying that this novel is better. Meanwhile, what’s your next project … and what did you learn from Buffalito Contingency that you’re applying to it?

I have several projects waiting in line. Some of them are related to one another. I want to pull together a collection of all the published Amazing Conroy stories, and write several more (including a novella), and convince Hadley Rille to publish it as my next book. I just wrote one of those stories in March, submitted it to an anthology on the last day of the month, and received an acceptance three days later. The Conroy novella I want to write has been brewing in the back of my mind for a couple of years. There are elements in it that set up events in the novel arc I’m planning, though we won’t see any of them for at least two more books in the series. There are other elements in it that figure prominently in another novel I’m working on that’s set in the Conroy Universe (or Conroyverse!), but that book is much darker than the Conroy stories. So, I’m about to start plotting out the novella now, and after that’s done I’ll work on the related novel, probably taking time off from it now and then to put out another short story or three before that’s done.

Finishing Buffalito Contingency, post-Taos, taught me a whole new way to approach plotting out an entire novel or short story. Prior to that, I’ve been more of an “exploration” writer (or less politely, a “seat-of-the-pants” writer), albeit I’ve usually known something about the end state that I was aiming for. Now, I’ve found a way to be much more structured. I applied it to the novel, and then more recently and more assuredly to the short story I wrote in March, “Yesterday’s Taste.” Probably the most remarkable side effect of this approach, at least for me, is much less waste. In the past, I’d write, and rewrite, and rewrite, and rewrite some more. I’d go through many many drafts. This last story, I basically wrote it in one draft, and then sat down and in one night did some edits and had the thing done. It was breathtaking!


Thanks, Lawrence, for giving us such great insight into the work of writing and publishing good stories.

Lawrence M. Schoen holds a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, with a special focus in psycholinguistics. He spent ten years as a college professor, and has done extensive research in the areas of human memory and language. His background in the study of the behavior and the mind provide a principal metaphor for his fiction. He currently works as the director of research and chief compliance officer for a series of mental health and addiction treatment facilities.

He’s also one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Klingon language, having championed the exploration of this constructed tongue and lectured on this unique topic throughout the world. In addition, he’s the publisher behind a new speculative fiction small press, Paper Golem, aimed at serving the niche of up-and-coming new writers as well as providing a market for novellas.

In 2007, he was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer and in 2010 received a Hugo nomination for best short story. He’s also been pushing a kind of SF Polyglot project that he calls B.W.O.P. (the Buffalito World Outreach Project). His second novel is listed on Amazon now, but doesn’t “officially” come out until late June. Lawrence lives near Philadelphia with his wife, Valerie, who is neither a psychologist nor a Klingon speaker.

(Lawrence M. Schoen. Photo by N. E. Lilly, originally from Lawrence’s Wikipedia page.)

For more information on Lawrence and his books, visit his web page at

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Continuing our discontinuous series of “blog tour” posts featuring fellow members of the Codex Writers online community.

Today and tomorrow our guest is Lawrence M. Schoen, author of Buffalito Contingency, coming soon from Hadley Rille Books.

The Amazing Conroy has taken his hypnosis act beyond Human Space.

It should be show business as usual, except for the bigger-than-a-planet energy being that wants to study him, the rival aliens pulling him in opposite directions, his buffalito lapping up liquid gravity, and the small matter of a hypnotized ghost…. Join the continuing adventures of the Amazing Conroy in Hugo-nominated Lawrence M. Schoen’s new novel: Buffalito Contingency.

How long was it between first conceiving Buffalito Contingency and actually starting to work on it in earnest? Did you start work on it right away, or did you set the idea aside for a period of time?

That first question is a bit tricky because this is the second novel in a series, so some aspects of it have been around from the earlier stories and book. But probably the first bit that’s unique to this novel came about when the question of how you would go about un-hypnotizing a ghost popped into my head. That begged the question of how a ghost would be hypnotized in the first place? And why you’d want to bring it back out of trance? This is pretty common for me, I find an idea that sticks in my craw and I end up having to reverse engineer a story out of it.

I worked on this novel for several years, on again and off, in part because while I was selling short stories about Conroy and his buffalito, I still hadn’t sold the first novel. I had the plot line with the ghost pretty clearly worked out, and my local workshop group helped me to see that it just wasn’t enough to sustain a book. I added a few more subplots and went back to writing. At some point it started dragging again. I just wasn’t happy with it, but I couldn’t tell what was lacking or what was wrong. I was also distracted for a while with a bout of Bell’s Palsy, which is terrifying when it hits — my wife and I thought I might be having a stroke! — and after that it’s just annoying and damned inconvenient as you discover all the things you need both sides of your face for in daily life. The good news, of course, is that I made a full recovery in record time, and it gave me an excuse to let me grow my beard in.

So, yeah, I ended up setting that novel aside for a while. I busied myself with other projects for a while, including a number of short stories I wrote and sold directly to various anthologies, including “The Moment” which earned me a Hugo nomination, as well as the heightened profile such nominations bring. That was fun. One of the other things I did before returning to the novel was to pull together a collection of my fantasy stories for Hadley Rille Books. This came out in 2010 under the title Sweet Potato Pie and Other Surrealities. And of course, in addition to my own work as an author, I run a small press, and so I get to count publishing other people as one of my cat-vacuuming exercises. When I should have been working on my own novel I was doing things like putting out Cat Rambo‘s collection Eyes Like Sky And Coal And Moonlight, as well as preparing the second volume in Paper Golem’s novella series Alembical 2. All of these were very worthwhile things to do, but they didn’t get the novel written.

How long did it take to complete the novel? I’m interested in how the stages progressed, e.g., research, writing, editing, and so forth.

During the 2009 Worldcon in Montreal, I met with my publisher and he agreed to buy the second, then untitled book. In Spring of 2010 I had about 90% of the book written, when I was accepted to Walter Jon William‘s master class, the Taos Toolbox. I figured I’d go, learn a few things, come back and polish off the last few chapters of the book and be done before the end of summer. Nope. I returned from Taos and started the novel over. Literally, back to page one. Yes, sure, I was able to keep quite a bit, but it all had to be reworked, re-evaluated, retooled. Things that I thought I’d already known about writing really came into focus for me at Taos. It was an amazing experience. It also blew my deadline for me. I finally turned in the book on December 23rd.

From there, I began working with my publisher on edits. One of the perks of writing for a small press is that you can end up having a lot more input into the process than my friends with books coming out of the big New York publishers tell me about. It also doesn’t hurt that in addition to my author-editor relationship with Hadley Rille Books, I also have a publisher-to-publisher relationship. But most importantly, I have a great deal of respect for Eric Reynolds, and I know when he has a question about something I’ve written he’s not just yanking my chain. Something has pulled him up short, and we work it out, point by point.

As that was winding down, the cover art discussion began. Again, because HRB is a small press, and in part because of my relationship with Eric, and possibly even because I brought the artist to him, I have an insane amount of input into the art process. In some ways this is unfortunate because I’m lousy at art direction, and Rachael Mayo, despite being a phenomenally talented artist, is a very poor telepath and cannot see into my brain on the first try to put on paper what I’m envisioning. Eventually we worked it all out and the resulting cover is nothing short of exquisite.

(Buffalito Contingency cover art.)


I agree, that’s a beautiful cover!

Tomorrow we’ll conclude our interview with Lawrence M. Schoen, who holds a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology and is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the Klingon language. In 2007, he was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for best new writer and in 2010 received a Hugo nomination for best short story.

Tomorrow we’ll also include a more detailed biography, but in the meantime if you want more information about Lawrence and his books, visit his web page at

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Two Space Stations, Thirty Years Apart

Today’s space history installment shows how much the world can change …

Forty years ago today — April 19, 1971 — the Soviet Union launched the first space station, Salyut-1, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. A Proton-K rocket carried the station to orbit, where it awaited the arrival of its first crew.

The Salyut-1 experiment did not end as well as it began, however. The first mission to reach the station, Soyuz-10, docked in April 1971 but the crew did not cross over into the station. The Soyuz-11 crew successfully inhabited the station in June 1971, but the crew died on re-entry when their spacecraft depressurized. Salyut-1 itself was de-orbited later the same year.

In the “how the world changed” department, 30 years to the day after the Salyut-1 launch — on April 19, 2001 — the Space Shuttle Endeavour carried a U.S.-Italian-Russian crew on a mission to the International Space Station.

(STS-100 launch. NASA image.)

STS-100 installed the remote manipulator “Canadarm-2” and the Italian cargo container “Raffaello” during ISS Assembly Flight 6A. U.S. astronauts Kent V. Rominger, Jeffrey S. Ashby, Chris A. Hadfield, Scott E. Parazynski, and John L. Phillips spent 11 days in space on the mission with Italian astronaut Umberto Guidoni and Russian cosmonaut Yuri V. Lonchakov.

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