Lots of Launch Activity on This Day in Space History

Several notable launches on January 30th in years prior:

30 Years Ago (1979): The “Spacecraft Charging at High Altitude,” or SCATHA satellite, launched from the Eastern Space & Missile Center on a Delta rocket. SCATHA was the first spacecraft with a primary mission to study the space environment near the earth, “to obtain information about the processes and effects of spacecraft charging, a phenomenon known to have contributed to several on-orbit satellite failures.”

40 Years Ago (1969): ISIS-1, the International Satellite for Ionospheric Studies, launched from the Western Space & Missile Center. ISIS-1 was a Canadian-built satellite on a joint U.S./Canadian mission to monitor the Earth’s ionosphere.

45 Years Ago (1964): Ranger-6 launched from ESMC on its way to the Moon. As this NASA page explains,

On February 2, 1964, 65.5 hours after launch, Ranger 6 impacted the Moon on the eastern edge of Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility). The orientation of the spacecraft to the surface during descent was correct, but no video signal was received and no camera data obtained. A review board determined the most likely cause of failure was due to an arc-over in the TV power system when it inadvertently turned on for 67 seconds approximately 2 minutes after launch during the period of booster-engine separation.

That launch on January 30, 1964, was the second launch in as many days from ESMC. I think about those heady days, when on one day you had a test launch of a Saturn rocket and the next a launch of a small satellite as one of the pathfinders to the moon … and I weep that we have gone no further, and done no more.

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Last Day to Register Your Opinion on U.S. Civil Space Policy

Today is the last day the National Academies will take public inputs for their “report to advise the nation on key goals and critical issues in 21st century U.S. civil space policy.”

This page describes the project and what they are investigating for the report. Click on Questionnaire for Public Input to tell them what you think our civil space program should do.

I submitted my comments yesterday. Submit yours today!

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Space History, Novel Update

Forty-five years ago today, on January 29, 1964, unmanned Apollo test mission SA-5 launched from the Eastern Space & Missile Center. The mission was the first test flight of the new Block II vehicles, with the S-IV second stage. As noted on this page, the mission was postponed from a January 27th launch attempt, but was otherwise successful.

[Break, Break]

In only tangentially-related news, today I sent my manuscript to be reproduced so I can send copies to a few folks who have volunteered to read it and give me feedback. How much they find that needs fixing will determine how long it’ll be before I can start pitching it to publishers.

We shall see.

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We Told Them, But They Didn’t Listen

Back in March of 2008, my old boss prompted me to start a new thread in the Space Warfare Forum on whether President Obama might de-weaponize space. Here’s what we wrote then:

Not to overstate the obvious, but space is already weaponized. Not, perhaps, in the form of constantly orbiting weapons platforms, but then again we haven’t seen many proposals for those, have we? But in the form of dedicated platforms necessary to our national defense, space is weaponized. And in the form of recently demonstrated anti-satellite capability that challenges the Senator’s “unproven missile defense systems” line — and that we argued elsewhere were already evolving — the use of weapons in and near space is here today, and probably here to stay.

Fast forward to this weekend, and Reuters reports that “Challenges loom as Obama seeks space weapons ban.” But their article doesn’t seem to consider the already existing uses of space systems to enable terrestrial warfare, instead mentioning that two “officials” said “it was difficult to define exactly what constituted a ‘weapon’ because even seemingly harmless weather tracking satellites could be used to slam into and disable other satellites.”

That example seemed to me to be poorly chosen, but the Reuters folks apparently liked it.

In my follow-up SWF entry, I related what I told my best friend the last time I spoke with him:

I hope President Obama, when he took his first briefings on the very real threats facing us, sat up a little straighter and began to take his responsibility to protect this nation a little more seriously. I hope.

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Space History Yesterday — Clementine

A day late and a dollar short, as my Dad says, but I couldn’t leave out a launch I actually saw, could I?

Yesterday — January 25, 2009 — was the 15th anniversary of the launch of the Clementine mission from Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. In 1994 I was stationed at Vandy as part of the Titan (launch vehicle) System Program Office, and we watched the Titan-II launch from the parking lot of our building. One of my office-mates — Deb Fort, with whom I was stationed years earlier at the Rocket Lab — worked facilities support for the mission.

Clementine, for those who don’t remember it, was also known as the Deep Space Program Science Experiment, and was “designed to test lightweight miniature sensors and advanced spacecraft components by exposing them, over a long period of time, to the difficult environment of outer space.” So says this Naval Research Lab page, and they should know since they built the thing.

The Clementine mission plays an important role in my novel, MARE NUBIUM, as it was the first mission to return data that indicated ice in craters at the lunar south pole. Even though subsequent data show the ice probably isn’t as plentiful as once thought, it still makes (in my opinion) a good prop for a story.

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What about an Islamic Reformation?

Typing out loud on twitter* this morning before I got into the day’s work — which, I’m doing this before getting into the day’s work, too — I wondered: what is the possibility that Islam might experience a re-thinking of its doctrines equivalent to the Protestant Reformation?

What cleric might have the courage to be the Muslim version of Martin Luther?

*Follow me at http://twitter.com/GrayRinehart

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Register Your Opinion on National Civil Space Policy

I got this from my old college buddy David O’Nan, and am posting it everywhere in hopes that at least one or two more folks will participate. (I even cross-posted it on the Space Warfare Forum, and I’ll be putting it on Twitter later.)

The Space Studies Board and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Academies (of Sciences, Engineering, etc.) have requested public input on the “Rationale and Goals of the U.S. Civil Space Program.” The deadline for submitting your opinion is January 30th.

The “Statement of Task” for the joint study is on this page:

An ad hoc committee will prepare a report to advise the nation on key goals and critical issues in 21st century U.S. civil space policy. The committee will identify overarching goals that are important for our national interest…. Using its best objective judgment and recognizing other national priorities, the committee will explore a possible long term future for U.S. civil space activities that is built upon lessons learned and past successes; is based on realistic expectations of future resources; and is credible scientifically, technically, and politically.

Here’s the link to the actual questionnaire, which invites you to consider

– What should be the rationale and goals for the civil space program?

– How can the civil space program address key national issues?

Inputs are limited to 600 words (I’m still formulating mine). I hope every space enthusiast will take this opportunity to tell the study group what direction they think the civil space program should go.

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Status Report, and a Space History Tidbit

For the few people who have offered to help me clean up the rough spots in my novel, it’ll be another week or so before I get it in your hands. I’m up to chapter 11 in my quick editing pass … editing which is not going as quickly as I hoped.

In space history, today is the 40th anniversary of the launch of Relay-2, a small communications and scientific spacecraft. It was launched on a Delta rocket out of Cape Canaveral, and mapped some of the radiation belt around the earth.

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For Those Overloaded on Inauguration Coverage …

We all live through little slices of history every day, but not like today. More words will be spoken and written about today than we can ever count — especially with blogs and tweets and squirts and whatever-will-be-next-in-the-crazy-world-of-the-Internet — and certainly more than anyone will ever read. All the historians through all the years will never catch up with all the words written and to be written about today.

Because of that, I will only say: Congratulations, Mr. President, and good luck.

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Happy Civil Rights Day

Here’s wishing you and yours a happy Civil Rights Day, with hope that your civil rights are intact. If you live in the U.S. and are a law-abiding citizen, I believe your civil rights are as secure as ever … despite the protestations of the fear-mongers in this and other media.

I cannot, of course, evaluate the condition of the civil rights of people from countries other than the U.S. If you do not enjoy the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I hope soon you will. Remember: no matter what your tyrants tell you, we in the U.S. desire only your freedom and friendship.

For those wrongly accused, denied their civil rights for illegitimate reasons, I wish for you justice.

But for people living in the U.S. who are plotting violence against our country, its leaders, or its institutions — no matter your ideological bent — you have no civil rights in my eyes. You abrogated your civil rights the minute you donated money to the terror-supporting organization; the second you agreed to do the bidding of your brooding, bellicose bosses; the instant you decided that your vision of unrest and death was preferable to our vision of peace and freedom. I hope the full force of our domestic intelligence apparatus is working to ferret you out of the holes in which you live and work and plot our downfall.

So, again, happy Civil Rights Day.

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