This is your public service announcement: It’s time to vote for the annual Pegasus Awards for Excellence in Filking — i.e., for excellence in science fiction and fantasy-related music. (Note that yours truly is not on the ballot.)
(Pegasus Award Logo.)
So you can make an informed vote, the 2014 Pegasus Final Ballot includes audio snippets of each finalist in every category:
- Best Filk Song
- Best Classic (at least 10 years old) Filk Song
- Best Performer
- Best Writer/Composer
- Best Adapted Song (2014 Rotating Category)
- Best Song of Passage (2014 Rotating Category)
Just by virtue of reading this post, you should be eligible to vote, since anyone who has an interest in science fiction and/or fantasy music is considered part of the “filk community.” The award by-laws define “exhibiting interest” using such activities as filking at SF&F conventions, attending filk conventions or “house sings,” taking part in related on-line forums, and just “discussing filk and filk related issues with other filkers.” I’m willing to count this as a discussion if you are!
The last full day to vote is October 19th, so you have two weeks to get your votes in! The Pegasus Awards will be presented at the Ohio Valley Filk Fest, October 24-6, in Worthington, OH.