The “Anti-Campaign” continues. This week positions on the environment and the economy went up in the forum; they’ll go on the web page at the end of the month.
On the environment, after noting what physicist Freeman Dyson had to say on environmentalism as a religion:
Here’s our article of belief: “The Earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof.” (Psalm 24)
We are stewards. As such, we should be careful not to cause more harm than necessary as we use natural resources.
Meanwhile, thank us for our SUVs: they’re keeping the next ice age at bay. 😉
Here’s the position on the environment.
On the economy,
We’re not rich. We’d like to try it sometime, but the “tax the rich” rhetoric we hear all the time kind of cuts down on the incentive. We won’t be releasing our tax returns; we’d rather you laugh with us than at us. Finally, money is a tool; it’s always good to have more tools in your toolbox; and when you loan this tool — whether to the government or anybody else — good luck getting it back.
Be forewarned, though: if you got a subprime mortgage, don’t read the position on the economy. It’ll just make you mad.
So again, if you don’t want to vote for any of the real candidates, vote for the GrayMan! He can’t do much worse than the politicians.